On Tuesday, August 17, 2021, Covington County Hospital opened a new Covid-19 Treatment Center, in partnership with the City of Collins, located in the old armory building.

The center will provide monoclonal antibody treatment to Covid-19 positive patients.  Monoclonal antibodies work by binding to a specific target – such as the Covid-19 virus – to make them harmless.

The city helped coordinate the use of the old armory building, recently renamed the Bobby A. Mooney Complex, located at 1613 South Fir Avenue in Collins.

“The City of Collins is committed to our residents here in Collins and Covington County as a whole, ” said Mayor Hope Jones.  “The Board of Aldermen and myself as the mayor would like to do all we can to support our medical community in their efforts to keep our community safe and healthy.”

The treatment center will begin by seeing 60 patients per day.  This number will increase as time and staff allow.

Treatment will be given by appointment only to Covid positive patients who have a doctor’s order or met certain qualifications set by the state.  To schedule an appointment, call 601-698-0316.


Pictured above, front row from left, Bob Shoemake, Alderman-at-Large; Hope Magee Jones, Mayor; Debbie Lundy, Alderwoman Ward 4; and Sally Buffington, Alderwoman Ward 3.  Back row from left, Lester Magee, Alderman Ward 1, and Robert Thompson, Alderman Ward 2.

Mayor Jones is beginning her 2nd term.  Ward 1 Alderman Magee is beginning his 7th term and is the Mayor Pro Tem.  Ward 2 Alderman Thompson is going into his 3rd term.  Alderwoman Ward 3 Buffington is entering her 2nd term as is Alderwoman Ward 4 Lundy.  Alderman-at-Large Shoemake is beginning his first term on the City Board.

The City Board of Aldermen meet the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. at the Collins Civic Center, located at 3220 Highway 49 in Collins.  Board meetings are always open to the general public.

Sullivan to represent County in State Distinguished Young Women Program

Chelsea Sullivan, Distinguished Young Woman of Covington County, will be one of 29 Mississippi high school seniors competing.  Chelsea, the daughter of Joseph Gordon Sr. and Charlotte Sullivan of Taylorsville, attends Seminary High School.  She plans to attend the University of Southern Mississippi to purse a career in Physical Therapy after enlisting in the Air Force.

During the week-long program in Meridian, contestants are evaluated on scholastic achievement, fitness, self-expression, talent and interview.  Sullivan has chosen a Piano Performance of “Minuet in G Minor” for her talent.

The three nights of competition at The Evangel Temple concludes on Saturday, July 24.  Curtains open 7:30p.m. on Thursday and Friday; 8 p.m. Saturday.  General admission tickets are available for $45 for a three night package , or may be purchased for individual evenings.  Call 601-480-3438 to purchase your ticket.

Laka Till to represent Covington County Miss Hospitality & Stella Shoemake to represent Little Miss Hospitality

Laka Till will represent Covington County in the 72nd Mississippi Miss Hospitality Competition at the Historic Hattiesburg Saenger Theater in Downtown Hattiesburg July 15-17, 2021 at 8:00 p.m. each evening.  Laka Till is a 2019 graduate of Seminary Attendance Center.  She currently attends Jones College and will begin the nursing program in August 2021.  Laka plans to be a travel nurse and specialize in pediatrics.   Laka is an active member of Rock Hill Baptist Church youth group and choir.  She is the daughter of Chris and Shalinda Till.

Representing Covington County as a Little Miss Hospitality is Stella Shoemake, daughter of Morgan and Roman Shoemake of Collins.

Four years ago, the Mississippi Miss Hospitality Competition added a Little Miss Hospitality component, which encourages local representatives to serve as a mentor to a young girl from her hometown between the ages of 6 and 10.  If crowned the next Mississippi Miss Hospitality, the contestant’s Little Miss will serve alongside her as she fulfills her duties and responsibilities as Mississippi’s Goodwill Ambassador.

Tickets are available online at or by calling the Saenger Theater Box Office at 601-584-4888.  Tickets can also be purchased at the Saenger in advance or at the door if any remain.

City building named in honor of Bobby A. Mooney as he retires as Alderman-at-Large

On Thursday, June 24, 2021, Bobby A. Mooney was honored with a Retirement Reception at the Collins Civic Center in Collins.  Mr. Mooney is retiring after 42 years as an alderman.  Before becoming alderman, Mr. Mooney worked with the Electrical Department of the City of Collins.

A large gathering of his family, co-workers, and friends were in attendance for the event and spoke their words of gratitude to him for his service and friendship.

To commemorate his years of service to the City, the Mayor and Board of Aldermen have named the city building on Fir Avenue the Bobby A. Mooney Complex.  This building is used for the Fire and Police Training, and is the training site for other City Departments.

The City was presented a Silver Shovel award on June 15, 2021 from Spire for their commitment to natural gas pipeline awareness and safe digging in the City!

General Election held June 8

General Election is Tuesday, June 8, 2021, at the Collins Civic Center in Collins from 7:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m.
Everyone in Collins votes at the Civic Center.
Voting by absentee ballot ends Saturday, June 5, at 12:00 noon.
Can absentee vote Tuesday through Friday, June 1-4, from 8-5 and Saturday, June 5, from 8:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon at Collins City Hall.


The Collins City Municipal Election will be held at the Collins Civic Center in Collins with all 4 Wards voting.  All candidates, including unopposed candidates, will appear on the ballot allowing for write-in votes.

Democrat incumbent Mayor Hope Magee Jones is unopposed.

Running for Alderman-at-Large are Democrat Bob Shoemake and Independent Mason Pope who will face each other.

Democrat Alderman Lester Magee of Ward One and Democrat Alderman Robert Thompson of Ward Two are both unopposed.

Republican Alderwoman Sally Buffington of Ward Three and Republican Alderwoman Debbie Lundy of Ward Four are both unopposed.