Mississippi’s annual Sales Tax Holiday is set for this weekend. The 24-hour tax free event will begin on Friday, July 29, 2016, and end Saturday, July30.
The items exempt from sales tax during the Sales Tax Holiday are the same as previous years, according to the Mississippi Department of Revenue. Clothing and footwear meant to be worn next to the body and cost less than $100 per item are exempt from sales tax during this period. Items priced at $100 or more are subject to sales tax at the regular retail rate of 7 percent.
For example, a customer purchases two shirts at $50 each, a pair of slacks at $75 and a pair of shoes at $110. No sales tax is required on the sale of the two shirts and the slacks totaling $175, even though the combined cost is more than the $100 limit. However, tax is due on the entire $110 for the shoes since that single item exceeds the $100 limit.
Accessories like jewelry, handbags, wallets, watches, backpacks and similar items do not qualify for the Sales Tax Holiday. Cleats and items worn in conjunction with an athletic or recreational activity are also ineligible. School supplies and computers are not included.
For an official guide regarding the Sales Tax Holiday, including a list of eligible and non-eligible items, go to www.tax.ms.gov/secondsalestaxholiday.html.
With additional questions regarding the holiday, contact the State Department of Revenue at (601) 923-7015.