The Mississippi Department of Transportation (MDOT) has announced an update on the safety improvement project on US 49 in Covington County.
The project encompasses US 49 southbound from the Forrest County Line to Mount Olive and will include the addition of shoulders and safe slopes throughout the 22 miles of roadway. The US 49 intersection with Kola Road in Collins will be signalized and improved, while all crossovers and local roads throughout the project will be analyzed to identify safety issues such as site distance and accident patterns.
Originally, MDOT had plans to close Fruitstand Road at Seminary. After review, it has been decided to temporarily restrict some of the access to Fruitstand Road, opposed to closing the intersection, for the duration of the project.
“We’re planning to purchase right of way outside of the construction project to relocate the intersections of Fruitstand Road and Kelly Creek Road at a safer point of intersection with US 49,” said District 7 Engineer Albert White. “Currently, we are working on the survey and design of the new location. We will update the public once the design is completed.”
District One Supervisor Sterling Craft said he was pleased with the adjustments made to the plans for the intersection which is in his district.
“It’s oing ot take a little time to complete,” Craft said, “but once it’s finished it’s going to be better in the long run.”
Craft complimented MDOT on hearing and addressing the concerns of the residents and Supervisors.
“They heard what we had to say, and worked with us to come up with a better plan,” he said. “With the new plan, you’ll still have another exit and entrance to Seminary.”
The original concern was by closing Fruiststand Road it would cut down to only one entrance and exit to Seminary and bottleneck traffic getting into and out of town.
“I’m pleased with their plan,” said Craft, “it’s much safer and better.”