It’s that time of year again – time for the Covington County Junior Livestock Show. Exhibitors have spent numerous hours in preparation for the 2017 County Livestock Show being held January 20-21, 2017 at the Covington County Multipurpose Building at the Industrial Park off Highway 49 in Collins. There are 45 total 4-H and FFA exhibitors ages 8-18. The show includes a total of 80 head of cattle, 47 pigs and two goats. The judging contest begin on Friday, Jan. 20 with a pig show. Saturday’s contest will include the goats and cattle. Concluding the show will be the Market Animal Auction held at the close of Saturday’s show. The judge for this year’s show will be Ricky Thompson from Texas A&M University. According to livestock officials, these youth are gaining valuable life skills that will make them more productive citizens. During the show and all the preparation and practices for this crowning event, exhibitors were given the opportunity to learn responsibility, self-discipline, self-esteem, decision-making, the importance of setting goals, communication skills; in addition to a vast knowledge of the livestock and agriculture industry. Some of the young people have found a career path while others may have only gained a knowledge that they will carry with them throughout the rest of their life. Some will receive scholarships enabling them to pursue college dreams; others have made industry connections that may prove beneficial when the time comes to find a job. But all have made friendships and built relationships with their families that will last a lifetime. “We hope everyone will come out and support these young people and the hard work they have put into their project animals,” said Covington County ANR\4-H Agent, Ellen Russell. “This is a yearlong project for most exhibitors and they have put a lot of time and efforts into making their animals look their best for this weekend.” For more information, please contact the Covington County Extension Office at 601-765-8252.