Covington County Chamber Meeting Monday evening February 25, 2019 with guest speaker Shad White Mississippi State Auditor.
Covington County Chamber Meeting Monday evening February 25, 2019 with guest speaker Shad White Mississippi State Auditor.
The Black Heritage Celebration Association has rescheduled the day’s events for Saturday, March 2.
“The Power of a Dream” is this year’s theme, and the day begins with the opening of the Heritage Museum at Collins High School. The museum, featuring many historic artifacts will open at 10 a.m.
At noon the annual Black Heritage Parade will be held in downtown Collins.
After the parade spectators are invited to the Collins High School football field where the Battle of the Bands competition will be held.
All are invited to attend the day’s celebration!
The Collins Senior Citizens Center received a surprise donation from a new Collins business recently.
What started out as a Christmas season raffle for employees at Brennan’s Vendworks ended up $850 to be used for a local charity.
“They wanted their money to go to something,” City Clerk Suzette Davis said. “This is a brand new business located in the industrial park.”
According to Stephanie Sutton, the company matched donations from employees.
“The way we came about raising the donation was through our employees and the Brennans matching the donation,” Sutton said. “We had a raffle and the employees participated by buying raffle tickets. Brennan’s Vendworks matched dollar for dollar what we had raised.”
Davis said she knows exactly where the money can be used. First, the exercise instructor recently retired, and that instructor owned the equipment needed. Davis said she will purchase a projector to fill that void with part of the money. Second, she said she plans to frame some of the puzzles completed by guests. The other framed posters hanging throughout the building are quite popular with the crowd, Davis said.
“This will mean so much to the senior,” Davis said. “I was not prepared for $850 to be donated.”
Sutton said she was very pleased with the result.
“It was a huge success! We are so excited to be bale to contribute for the Senior Center!,” Sutton said.
Mayor Jones called Bingo for the seniors in Collins for Municipal Week. We had sixteen playing Bingo this day. This is a wonderful way for our officials to interact with the community and they are always excited when the Mayor, Alderwoman Buffington or Alderwoman Lundy come and call Bingo.
A lighting project worth nearly three quarters of million dollars will soon make travel safer for everyone while welcoming visitors to Collins.
The project, approved by the Collins Board of Aldermen, will improve lighting along U.S. Highway 49 and Mississippi Highway 184, also known as Main Street. The new lights will be LED, which are more energy efficient and often brighter than others forms. LED lighting often lasts longer than traditional lighting, too.
“We’re very excited about it,” Mayor Hope Magee Jones said. “The lighting is just going to light our city up and make it even more visible for our community and bring a lot of exposure for people who are traveling on the highways.”
The lowest bid int he amount of $699,737.10 came in from Webster Electric. A federal grand administered by the Mississippi Department of Transportation will pay for 80 percent of the cost while Collins is responsible for 20 percent.
Director of Public Works Bob Shoemake explained some existing infrastructure will be used.
“The poles that are existing, we’re going to put new arms on them and new LED lights and require them with new underground wiring. That will all be improved greatly,” Shoemake said.
The lighting project should be completed in late 2019.
Voters in Collins will soon make the decision of whether or not to allow liquor to be sold inside the city limits.
Back in June, a group of Collins citizens submitted a petition which required city leaders to hold an election if there were enough verified signatures.
“We are doing what’s requested by the citizens and required by the state,” Mayor Hope Magee said. “I’ll voice my opinion at the poll when I cast my vote.”
City Clerk Suzette Davis explained a petition must include 20 percent of a municipality’s qualified electorate to trigger an election. Over the past few months, her office has been verifying each person’s signature. Out of a grand total of 539 names on the petition, only 372 were valid; however, it was over the required amount of 345 valid signatures, which is 20 percent of Collins’ 1,727 registered voters. According to Davis, some rejected because of non-registered voters or people signing twice.
The election is set for Tuesday, October 30, 2018, from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m. All voters will cast ballots at the City of Collins Civic Center at 3320 Highway 49. Absentee voting began September 24 and will continue at City Hall from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. City Hall will open special hours for absentee voting from 8 a.m. until noon on Saturday, October 20 and Saturday, October 27.
The City of Collins has announced rate increase that will take effect October 1, 2018. The new rates for sewer are $14.00for 3,000 gallons or less,and $3.35 per 1,000 gallons thereafter.
The garbage rates will increase to $12.00 per month for residential, $20 per month for small commercial and $100 per month for large commercial.
The U.S. Small Business Administration invites you to the Mississippi Meet the MicroLenders in Collins, a Small Business Borrower-Lender Match-Making event. This event will be held Wednesday, July 25, 2018, at the Collins Train Depot (110 Ash Avenue in Collins), 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Sign-in will be at 8:30 a.m. The event will provide small business owners and entrepreneurs the opportunity to meet with MicroLenders, SBA and Resource Partners to discuss resources to help start or grow their businesses.
SBA’s Microloan Program, which is focused on startups, minority and other underserved markets, provides loans up to $50,000 to help small businesses start up and expand by providing working capital, materials, supplies, equipment and inventory. Microloans play an important role in distressed communities where access to conventional lending remains a challenge. Take advantage of the opportunity to meet one-on-one with SBA Mississippi MicroLenders and SBA Mississippi Resource Partners, the Mississippi SBDC Network 1-800-725-7232, SCORE 769-208-3593, Veterans Business Outreach Center (VBOC) 662-325-4990 and the Women Business Center of Mississippi (WBC) 601-376-9895.
The City of Collins is hosting the first annual Family Fourth on Wednesday, July 4, 2018, at the Collins Civic Center. The event will be held from 5-9 p.m.
Featured activities will include a children and pet parade. Children ages 0-12 years may ride on bicycles, in wagons or walk in the parade. They are encouraged to decorate the bikes, wagons, etc. in red, white, and blue. Pets on a leash with their owners are invited to participate in the parade as well.
Other activities include live music with a special presentation by the Covington County Mass Choir as well as a hula hoop contest, pie eating contest, sack race, three-legged race, food, fun and more.
The public is invited to bring lawn chairs and attend this free event which will end with a fireworks display.
For more information about this upcoming event, please contact Collins City Hall at 601-765-4491.