Collins Police Officers took part in a Domestic Violence course held last week at the Collins Train Depot.
The course was presented by Emiko Faust with Attorney General Jim Hood’s office.
The eight-hour class included instruction on laws pertaining to domestic violence, protection orders, strangulation and stalking. Additionally, the course covered information from case studies.
“It’s beneficial to law enforcement officers because domestic violence is one of the most common calls they respond to,” said Rachael Ring, Public Information Officer for the Attorney General’s Office. “Domestic violence laws are constantly changing and being updated and require certain actions from our law enforcement so it’s important to keep up with the laws as they change.”
Police Chief Joey Ponder noted the importance of officers having training in dealing with calls pertaining to domestic violence.
“Just about the majority of our calls are domestic violence calls,” he said. “It’s important for our officers to keep up to date on the laws and how to respond. These are dangerous calls.”