The six announced Republican candidates for District 3 Congressional post will participate in an April 2, 2018 forum at the Collins Civic Center. Incumbent Representative Gregg Harper joined over thirty other members of the United States House of Representatives who will not seek re-election in 2018. Harper served five terms as Congressman for Mississippi District 3. The Covington County Republican Party and the Covington County Republican Women are hosting the forum so that District 3 voters can have the opportunity to meet each candidate from 6-7:00 pm. The forum will begin at 7:00 pm with each candidate discussing the issues that he seeks to address if elected Congressman. There will be a follow-up question and answer session. Announced candidates are state Senator Sally Doty, an attorney of Brookhaven; Morgan Dunn, Managing Director of Vestra LLC, a health care consulting firm based in Magee; Whit Hughes, Jackson, Baptist Health Care Systems; Michael Guest, Brandon, Rankin County District Attorney; Perry Parker, retired international investment banker, Seminary, MS and a native Covington Countian; Katherine Tate, Tupelo, an educational consultant. March 1, 2018, was the qualifying deadline. At this time there are no announced Democratic candidates. The Republican Primary Election is Tuesday, June 5, 2018. The public is invited to the April 2, 2018, CCRP Forum, Collins Civic Center, Highway 49, 6-8:30 p.m. to meet the candidates, judge their issues, and question concerns.